QuickStart ============= To start ACEseq download package from `here `_ and install the reference files and conda package as described under :ref:`installation`. :: sh $PATH_TO_PLUGIN_DIRECTORY/Roddy/roddy.sh \ rerun \ ACEseq@copyNumberEstimation \ $pid \ --useconfig=$PATH_TO_PLUGIN_DIRECTORY/applicationProperties.ini \ --cvalues="bamfile_list:$pathToControlBamFile;$pathToTumorBamFile,sample_list:control;tumor,possibleControlSampleNamePrefixes:control,possibleTumorSampleNamePrefixes:tumor" Following parameters should be changed in the project.xml: - baseDirectoryReference - outputBaseDirectory - outputFileGroup (in case all outputfiles should have different group than primary group) Alternative running modes: - runWithoutControl/isNoControlWorkflow (in case it should be run without control) - runWithFakeControl (in case the coverage should be taken from a different control)